Sexual sphere of men and women is organized very subtly, and sildenafil instructions for use any failure, whether it is a bright emotional experience (not even painted in a negative) or fatigue, can play a cruel joke with libido. If we talk about the presence in life of more serious problems in the form of hormonal failures and complex diseases, talk about healthy sex and strong arousal is not necessary at all. Sildenafil citrate, a synthetic compound that can bring absolutely new sensations to the intimate life of any couple, could change this course of affairs.

The very first drugs containing sildenafil were used to treat pulmonary hypertension and heart disease. Against the background of therapy, patients noted an increase in sexual desire, in which excitation arose even from the usual touch or “scrolling in the head” of erotic pictures. Doctors did not fail to take advantage of this property of sildenafil substance, the duration of which lasted about a quarter of a day, and created a classic drug called Viagra, which was intended for men. However, the sildenafilbenefits of sildenafil citrate for women was just as good, so today at the pharma market you can find at least a dozen generic pathogens, intended for the fair sex, as well as for men.

Male and female sildenafil is a classic libido enhancer, which is available in the form of tablets. Various sildenafil tablets of the same color and form contain the same active ingredient, which, depending on the concentration, act on the body with varying degrees of severity.

The classical formula of pathogens presupposes the presence in each tablet of sildenafil citrate 100 mg – this is the dosage that is suitable for achieving the maximum effect of excitation in representatives of different sexes. However, there are tablets with sildenafil for 25, 50 and 150 mg. In addition, the preparation sildenafil contains a lot of other components that help the tablet to retain its shape and properties: starches, talc, dyes, synthetic and organic salts. The taste of the sildenafil instructions for use tablets is neutral, which makes it possible to use them without any difficulties and in conjunction with various products.

Initially, it was customary to use sildenafil for pulmonary hypertension, as this substance promotes the dilatation of blood vessels and the better filling of tissues with blood and, accordingly, oxygen and nutrients. This property is very useful for treating sexual dysfunction, because such violations are almost always associated with insufficient filling of the genital organs with blood. Moreover, a positive effect is observed both in men (namely, for them, the originator with sildenafil was originally created), and in beautiful women.

There are drugs containing sildenafil, it is very simple: the active compound penetrates into the tissues and blood vessels, and begins to block the enzyme PDE-5, which prevents the vessels from expanding sufficiently strongly. Due to this, more blood rushes into the genital tissues, they become more sensitive – excitation arises very quickly and easily. In addition to stimulation, other changes occur in the body:

  • in men, the erection becomes more resistant, and women develop more lubricant;
  • increased endurance with prolonged sexual intercourse;
  • increases the sensitivity of erogenous zones;
  • orgasm becomes longer and stronger.

It is noteworthy that the drug sildenafil equally well acts on people with unchanged sexual pathology and those who have already reached the age of extinction of libido.

Indications for the use of sildenafil

  • Take sildenafil instructions for use recommends in case of any problems in the intimate sphere:
  • with dryness of the vagina, due to hormonal changes or with a decrease in the sensitivity of the penis;
  • if the excitation is not kept for a long time;
  • anorgasmia;
  • in the absence of sexual desire due to the transferred diseases in the genital area or in other body systems;
  • with psychological problems that do not allow to achieve excitement and / or orgasm.

But even if there is no problem with sex, sildenafil is worth buying for men and women who want to bring something new into the intimate sphere. For example, new records of the duration of sex)


There are several situations in which it is worthwhile using with sildenafil instructions for use caution sildenafil citrate 100 mg or in another dosage. Refuse to use the funds will have people who suffer from severe liver and heart disease, and also suffered a stroke or myocardial infarction in the previous six months. Problems with blood pressure and the retina of the eyes are also considered a contraindication to the use of the drug as a causative agent. With special care is to use a remedy for oncological diseases of the hematopoietic system and skin, stomach ulcer and under the age of 18 years.

How to take sildenafil – the optimal dosage

After buying a stimulant, consumers have a question – how to take sildenafil, to feel really sexy and satisfied, and do not feel the “delights” of an overdose. Achieving new heights in sex by taking this drug is very easy. To do this, take a tablet with a dosage of 100 mg for half an hour before sexual intimacy. This concentration of sildenafil citrate is suitable for women, as well as for men.However, it is still necessary to take into account the specific features of the organism of a particular person

Recommendation! When using tablets for the first time, the dosage should be reduced in half, that is, up to 25 or 50 mg. In this case, you can understand how well the body tolerates the active substance. In case the effect turned out to be weak, the next time it will be possible to take a sildenafil instructions for use larger dose.

The main feature of the combination of sildenafil and alcohol – compatibility without negative consequences (Online store India Pharma still does not recommend alcohol and tablets with sildenafil citrate 100 mg, since the effect of such a mixture is not sufficiently studied).Therefore it is allowed to wash down tablets not only with water, but also with a glass of light wine, for example.

sildenafil instructions for use

Undesirable reactions

The human body is unique, but in most cases it still obeys the basic laws of physiology. So, when taking sildenafil substance side effects occur mainly in the circulatory system. They are expressed by insignificant signs which quickly pass:

  • dizziness;
  • pain in the head;
  • swelling of the mucosa in the nose;
  • weakness;
  • feeling of heat on the skin of the face and neck.

Typically, such symptoms indicate a decrease in blood pressure, and the more the dose taken, the greater the decrease. In addition, the digestive system can respond to the ingestion of this compound. When taking sildenafil, side effects can be minimized by taking the lowest possible dosage.

Compatibility with medicines

The substance sildenafil citrate compares well with many drugs. Among the drugs, the combined use with which can lead to unpleasant consequences, include only the antibiotic erythromycin, the agent ketoconazole and cimetidine. To the extremely negative sildenafil instructions for use consequences can lead reception of sildenafil together with nitrates (cardiac preparations).


Sildenafil, whose price is surprising by its availability, especially if you buy generics in our online store India Pharma, with an incorrect calculation of dosage can cause an overdose. It can be expressed in the intensification of side effects, and in rare cases is accompanied by loss of consciousness, pronounced arrhythmia, a decrease in blood sildenafil instructions for use pressure to critical parameters. Eliminate the effects of overdose by taking drugs that are aimed at normalizing blood pressure and restoring the heart rate.