With a violation of potency, prescribe men’s Viagra. Tablets have a temporary viagra for erection effect on the body. Why do we need and how do Viagra tablets work for men?
What is the effect of the drug? The effectiveness of the drug has already been tested for years and does not cause doubts among the representatives of the male sex. It really helps to cope with sexual dysfunction.
The main function of the components is to restore the blood circulation of the tricky body, while there is an artificial relaxation of the smooth muscles at the time of excitement. In simple terms, the “Viagra” stimulant for erection restores blood flow, expands the vessels that participate in the erectile process – that’s what Viagra is for.
One of the first causes of erectile dysfunction in men is stagnation in the prostate gland, which can develop for various reasons, for example, with sedentary lifestyles or more viagra for erection serious problems – adenoma, inflammation of the prostate.
It should be noted that the action will be effective only if the man experiences natural arousal. In his absence, an erection does not come.
One of the most pleasant moments when taking medication is this strengthening of sensations during orgasm and the duration of sexual intercourse. According to men, it can be judged that the drug has the following effect: they experience indescribable pleasure during ejaculation, and the sexual act lasts much longer.
It should be noted that many adolescents who love to experiment claim that by accepting Viagra, they became real sex giants. It’s all fiction. Tablets are effective only if erectile dysfunction does not have any effect on healthy people. It is forbidden to accept them until they come of age.
But, in the event that a man feels normal, and having taken Viagra, feels a rush of excitement, then in this case you need to see a doctor. It already speaks about deviations.
What about Viagra duration?
One of the most important issues for men taking these drugs is the duration of the tablets. It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the reasons for which erection and potency, the age of the man and even the weight were broken. Some feel its effect for 5 hours, many days.
When starting a medicine, it should take into account some of its features. For example – it is better to drink tablets on an empty stomach. Thus, they act faster, are absorbed into the blood.
Why and why should I see a doctor before taking such pills and drugs? Because many men, when used alone, even during a strong excitement, do not experience the proper effect, that is, the tablets do not work. This is due to concomitant diseases, for example, thrombophlebitis or narrowing of blood vessels. Blood circulation in this case can not be viagra for erection restored, as a consequence of the effect there is no, an erection is absent.
Another important question that worries men – how quickly after taking the pill, is a remedy like Viagra starting to work? Any tablet that is taken orally and drunk with water, rather than absorbed, gives effect after 30 minutes (meaning, if the man took the drug on an empty stomach). After a meal, Viagra for erection will start a little later, after about 1 hour.
The drug is used only to restore the potency. As a remedy, tablets do not work. The doctor can prescribe the drug “Viagra” for an erection, if violations in the male body arose against the background of adenoma or prostatitis. Before admission, a doctor’s visit is strictly necessary, because the drugs of this type have side effects and have contraindications. Viagra for an erection is no exception.
Prohibited drug when:
- sensitivity and intolerance of components;
- anatomical deformation of the penis;
- cavernous fibrosis (the process of sclerosing cavernous bodies of the genital organ, which is accompanied by its deformation);
- Peyronie’s disease (the acquired curvature of the penis that occurs during an erection);
- sickle-cell anemia;
- presence of multiple myeloma;
- leukemia;
- thrombocytopenia (a condition in which the number of platelets in the blood decreases);
- diseases of blood vessels;
- exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers;
- pigment retinitis;
- heart failure (suffered strokes and heart attacks);
- oncological diseases.
With the pathologies described above, in no case can you take Viagra yourself and similar drugs on your own.
In some cases, the tablets act with pronounced side effects, which are manifested:
- headache;
- increased pressure;
- dizziness;
- heart palpitations, abnormalities of the digestive tract.
Overdose of Viagra is manifested:
- allergic skin manifestations;
- decreased blood pressure;
- prolonged erection;
- short-term loss of vision, pain and redness of the eyeballs.
Men’s Viagra, like other drugs do not act negatively on men while driving viagra for erection transport, but given the fact that side effects may occur, it is better not to sit down during the reception period.
Drugs with which it is strictly forbidden to take Viagra:
- stimulants of an erection;
- tranquilizers;
- antibiotics;
- preparations for the normalization of pressure;
- antiviral drugs.
Is Viagra compatible for an erection with alcohol?
Taking alcoholic beverages together with Viagra is not prohibited. The question is – how many liquor can be drunk. Alcohol affects the vegetative system, increases the number of contractions of the heart muscle, while the heart enters an active rhythm of work. Viagra for an erection and similar preparations, intensify the process of blood circulation, as a result the heart muscle starts to work even faster. Thus, the heart works with a double load. At such times, the pressure may rise, the headache, the man will feel a general malaise, there will be redness on the face skin and puffiness.
Although many people with low blood pressure, these symptoms do not always appear. Today there are several analogues of Viagra for strengthening the erection, which act more gently, for example, Viagra Soft. Tablets are not taken orally, but are absorbed. With this kind of viagra for erection medicine, a glass of wine does not affect the health and general condition of the body. On the contrary, the man will relax more and will be able to experience all the delights of intimate life and orgasm.
Unequivocally you can say – if a man is going to visit a noisy party, to consume alcohol in large quantities, then it is better to forget about Viagra this evening.
Against the background of the drug you can drink:
- 100 ml of strong drinks;
- 400 ml of wine;
- 1 liter of beer.
The rest of the dose can cause various disorders. In no case can you increase the dosage set by the doctor even if the effect of a small amount of alcohol has not been achieved. Overdosing is fraught with complications for the body.
Another point – when eating dishes from fatty foods (pork, lamb, mayonnaise, butter), the action of Viagra to increase the potency is significantly slowed down. An erection generally can not come. Why risk it?
For men suffering from cardiac pathologies, hypertension, the combination of Viagra and alcoholic beverages can result in a fatal outcome.
Sexual Activity
The emergence of Viagra in the first place aroused interest in elderly men, whose sexual life changed qualitatively with age. A person is arranged so that he can distinguish different periods of sexual activity. So, at a young age it is increased, on the average – it stabilizes and then decreases.
Sexual activity, except for age, is influenced by the constitution and various physical and mental diseases. It also changes against the background of social factors, such as the moral foundations of society, its religious traditions. Of no small viagra for erection importance are the working and living conditions, psychological environment, nutrition and bad habits.
So, if in a youth the potency is connected with biological and purely personal factors, then with the age social, such as norms of behavior and morals join them. Married people have the opportunity to live a regular sex life, but even in them it becomes less active. Factors affecting it: banal fatigue, caused by the need to make a living, domestic troubles, smoking, alcoholism, somatic diseases.
Against this background, there may be disruptions during preparation for intercourse, and if they appear more often than 3 times in six months, it can speak of erectile dysfunction. It is necessary to distinguish this state from those when the man lacks desire (libido), or there are serious pathologies of the genitals. In such cases, Viagra tablets will not help.
Contraindications to the use of Viagra
Although Viagra pills were developed, it is necessary to use them with heart disease as a cardiac drug, but it is better to have a cardiologist examination before taking it. Erectile dysfunction occurs in cardiovascular disorders, when the patient still does not even suspect that they have it, this may be the first sign of heart disease, diabetes, atherosclerosis. The body takes care of itself, and when there are inconspicuous violations from the heart, when the patient is countered by physical viagra for erection and mental stress and there are problems with potency.
The conditions under which Viagra needs to be taken with caution:
- unstable angina;
- arrhythmias;
- heart failure;
- hypotension;
- heart attack;
- stroke;
- aortocoronary shunting;
- retinitis pigmentosa;
- diabetes mellitus with retinopathy;
- deformation of the penis.
In men with priapism, when without sexual stimulation, painful erections are observed, the use of Viagra tablets is undesirable. This condition occurs with blood diseases, oncological diseases, alcoholism, drug addiction and others.
Contraindication to taking Viagra is an allergy to sildenafil or additional substances that make up the pill, as well as taking drugs containing nitrates.
Nitrates or substances that metabolize form nitric oxide include cardiovascular drugs used to treat heart disease, arterial hypertension. When combined with Viagra, blood pressure may drop drastically, as they improve the blood supply to the heart area, while Viagra, expanding the vessels of the pelvic organs, draws a large volume of blood there. Pressure falls, the blood supply of the heart, brain, and death is possible.
Draw conclusions
Did you have a misfire? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article – victory is not on your side.
And of course you do not by hearsay know that a violation of potency is:
- Low self-esteem
- Women remember every failure you make, tell your friends and your friends
- Disease of the prostate
- The development of depression, which negatively affects your health
And now answer the question: DO YOU DO THIS? Can this be tolerated? Do you remember that feeling when you look at a naked woman and can not do anything? Enough – it’s time to get rid of problems with potency, once and for all! Do you agree?
We studied a huge amount of materials and viagra for erection most importantly checked in practice most of the tools for potency. So, it turned out that 100% of the working drug without any side effects is Predstanol. This preparation consists of natural components that completely exclude chemistry.