The action of Viagra

Action of Viagra

This article would like to attract a wide range of action of viagra readers to the drug, which is advertised in the media – Sildenafil (Viagra). The glory of a medical drug is growing every day, so very many men have already experienced its effect on themselves. According to unofficial statistics of pharmacy workers, Viagra is one of the medicines sold at night.

The action of Viagra

The drug is used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction (impotence). Its action is based on the relaxation of smooth muscles, which subsequently leads to an intense flow of blood to the cavernous bodies of the penis, contributing to a normal erection. But in order to achieve the maximum pharmacological effect, you need sexual arousal.

From the history of the discovery of this drug I want to note that it was created to treat people with high blood pressure. But pharmacists did not achieve the desired effect, because the drug only slightly reduced blood pressure. However, an unexpected side effect was found in the form of action of viagra increased erectile function in men than in 1998 and is enjoyed by a strong half of humanity.

Indications for use of Viagra

Viagra (Sildenafil) – a medicament for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Just to cure a disease, you need to know something about it. So, to date, urologists andrologists believe that a violation of potency (erectile dysfunction) – the inability to achieve and maintain penile erection, necessary to commit sexual intercourse. The reason for this may be endocrine, medicamentous, local, neurological, vascular diseases. To the endocrine causes of erectile dysfunction can be attributed to the inadequate production of male sex hormones or a pituitary tumor.

action of viagra

Such conditions are manifested by the deposition of fat “according to the female type” (on the chest, hips buttocks), increasing the timbre of the voice. The drug causes are caused by the use of so-called “anti-androgens” (hormones, blocking the production of male sex hormones) used in prostate tumors. This also includes the influence of alcohol and various drugs that affect the cerebral cortex, deplete the entire body as a whole. Fortunately, erectile function action of viagra is sooner or later restored when these drugs are abolished. Local causes of erectile dysfunction can be all diseases that can later lead to sclerosis of the cavernous bodies of the penis. In this process, the elastic tissue covering the cavernous bodies is replaced by the connective, and therefore the blood filling of the structures of the penis is difficult or very painful.

More serious causes leading to erectile dysfunction, neurological nature (epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, trauma of the brain, spinal cord, surgery and trauma of the pelvic organs and perineum). Vascular causes are one of the most common causes of this pathology. With a normal erection to the genitals, the man is getting stronger arterial blood flow, but the venous outflow is dramatically hampered virtually nonexistent. So it turns out that with the slightest malfunction in this process, either the inflow of blood is disturbed, or a sharp drop through the veins occurs. Similar problems arise in atherosclerosis of large arteries, endarteritis, aortic aneurysm, varicose veins. that at the slightest failure in this process either the inflow of blood is disturbed, or a sharp drop through the veins occurs.

Similar problems arise in atherosclerosis of large arteries, endarteritis, aortic aneurysm, varicose veins. that at the slightest failure in this process either the inflow of blood is disturbed, or a sharp drop through the veins occurs. Similar problems arise in atherosclerosis of large arteries, endarteritis, aortic aneurysm, varicose veins.

But more often than not, experts still face the psychological form of impotence. And given the fact that most of the listed organic causes of impotence are accompanied by the mental experiences of a man, it becomes clear that psychological causes occupy far from being a small important place among all causes. An erection in a man may be absent, instantly disappear or action of viagra be extremely substandard if his depressed state, fatigue, prolonged stress, poor health, dissatisfaction with himself, his second half, with a divergence of sexual predilections and requirements of the partner, n In fear of a possible pregnancy, the onset of a disease that is sexually transmitted. Also, problems with erection are possible if sexual relations occur in an extreme situation (an elevator, a dressing room in a store,

Warns all readers that Viagra is not a panacea for treating the above-mentioned causes of erectile dysfunction. As a rule, when treating the primary cause of impotence, the use of Viagra will not be justified.

Application of Viagra

One of the largest American pharmacological firms “Pfizer” produces Viagra. The medication is presented in the form of a blue diamond-shaped tablet coated with a shell. All tablets are labeled with the inscriptions “VGR 25” “VGR 50” or “VGR 100” on one side and “Pfizer” on the other. Digital labeling indicates the dose of the drug contained in one tablet.

As it was written earlier to achieve the effect of the drug, sexual arousal is necessary. Therefore, to reduce sexual relations to automatic reception of a pill and to soulless intercourse simply does not work out. So you have to action of viagra take care not only about buying a medicine, but also about organizing a romantic evening.

People over 18 years of age are recommended to take the drug at a dose of 50 mg. Take should be 1 hour before the alleged sexual intercourse. The dose is possible both to raise to 100 mg, and lower to 25 mg, depending on the effectiveness and dosage tolerance. The frequency of admission should not exceed more than 1 time per day, and dosage – 100 mg per reception.

It should be noted that when using Viagra should not be combined with food intake, because the expected effect develops somewhat later.

Contraindications of Viagra

A huge plus is that Viagra is released in pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription, which makes the drug a widely available drug. However,recommends that before starting the application of the “miracle drug” consult a doctor, it may even be examined, in order to select a dose, to discuss the frequency and duration of the drug.

When you read the summary of the drug  calls for special attention to the composition of the drug to ensure the portability of all components. It is strictly prohibited joint use of drugs for the treatment of angina pectoris (amyl nitrite or nitrates), since Viagra enhances their hypotensive effect. Drugs for the correction of erectile dysfunction, including Viagra, should not be given to men for whom sexual activity is undesirable (for example, with cardiovascular diseases, such as unstable action of viagra angina or severe heart failure). This restriction is due to the fact that the drug has a vasodilating effect, the result of which is a slight and temporary decrease in blood pressure, thereby strengthening the hypotensive effect of organic nitrates.

The drug should be used with caution in men with anatomical deformities of the genital organ (angulation, cavernous fibrosis or Peyronie’s disease) or in persons with diseases that can lead to priapism (a prolonged, painful erection not associated with sexual arousal) such as multiple myeloma or leukemia, sickle-cell anemia.

The side effects of Viagra

After a number of studies, the following side effects were noted:

  • From the nervous system: headache, system dizziness.
  • From the cardiovascular system: skin hyperemia, a feeling of heartbeat behind the sternum.
  • From the gastrointestinal tract: digestive disorders.
  • From the side of the organ of vision: a feeling of the nebula in front of the eyes, increased sensitivity to light, a violation of the perception of colors.
  • From the upper respiratory tract: nasal congestion.

In connection with possible side effects, it is necessary to determine the individual reaction of a man to taking Viagra before driving a vehicle or before working with potentially dangerous mechanisms.

Overdose of Viagra

When an overdose of the drug may cause all possible side effects, but in a more serious form, which, as a rule, requires resuscitation. The difficulty is that there is simply no specific antidote and any methods of purifying blood (including dialysis) are powerless, since the active substance of sildenafil binds firmly to plasma proteins and is action of viagra practically not excreted in the urine.

So, despite the miraculous properties of Viagra  encourages all men to prevent the development of erectile dysfunction. To do this, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, abandon harmful habits, whenever possible consult with a specialist before using any medication, to have a regular sex life without long periods of abstinence and sexual extreme, to treat diseases in a timely manner, not allowing neglected and chronic stages. Fulfilling all these recommendations, you can not only abandon the blue pill, but also prolong your sex life, delivering joy not only to yourself, but also your second half.