Tag: sildenafil

The action of Viagra

Action of Viagra

This article would like to attract a wide range of action of viagra readers to the drug, which is advertised in the media – Sildenafil (Viagra). The glory of a medical drug is growing every day, so very many men have already experienced its effect on themselves. According to unofficial statistics of pharmacy workers, Viagra is one of the medicines sold at night. The action of Viagra The drug is used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction (impotence). Its action is based on the relaxation of smooth muscles, which subsequently leads to an intense flow of blood to the cavernous bodies of the penis, ... Read more

Gel for improving erection Sildenafil Citrate 100 mg

Sildenafil Citrate 100 mg

Starting to treat erectile dysfunction (impaired potency), more people pay sildenafil сitrate 100 mg attention to generics – analogues of drugs that have won world fame. Generics are much cheaper than brand pharmacological agents, and they act in the same way, because they are produced by well-known companies with a world-wide reputation. One of these generic drugs that are very popular is Sildenafil. He helped restore the potency to many millions of men. If not everyone has heard of Sildenafil, then many know about the famous Viagra. The substance Sildenafil is the main component of the world-famous Viagra drug. Its action is based on the ... Read more

Viagra Gel (from the Latin Viagra Oral Jelly)

Already today erectile dysfunction has ceased to be a problem due to the appearance of a remarkable medical preparation – Viagra Gel. The name of this remedy is consonant with the same drug in the form of tablets. It is worth noting that Viagra in tablets and Viagra in the form of a gel have absolutely the same properties and differ only in form: tablets, gel. The benefits of Viagra-gel should include pleasant strawberry taste and rapid assimilation by the body (the effect occurs 20 minutes after admission). In the retail network, the drug is known as Viagra Oral Jelly. The pharmacy network ... Read more

Men – and again into battle! Description of Kamagra Oral Jelly

In the relationship between men and women, an integral part is the kamagra oral jelly sexual component, which is of great importance for both sexes. For a long time the ability of men to perform a full sexual intercourse was considered the main characteristic of masculinity, and in many cultures of the world they think so even to this day. Moreover, active sexual life contributes to an increase in vitality, mood, and a beneficial effect on the entire body. Sexual health of a man is part of the overall emotional and physical health. And such a violation of sexual function as erectile dysfunction, although ... Read more


Sexual sphere of men and women is organized very subtly, and sildenafil instructions for use any failure, whether it is a bright emotional experience (not even painted in a negative) or fatigue, can play a cruel joke with libido. If we talk about the presence in life of more serious problems in the form of hormonal failures and complex diseases, talk about healthy sex and strong arousal is not necessary at all. Sildenafil citrate, a synthetic compound that can bring absolutely new sensations to the intimate life of any couple, could change this course of affairs. The very first drugs containing sildenafil were ... Read more

Viagra: The Pros and Cons

Sildenafil (the original drug has the trade name Viagra) only affects the natural using the viagra mechanisms of erection. Scientists have developed a new drug to increase blood flow to the heart muscle and lower blood pressure. However, he did not live up to expectations. But it was noted that this drug provides a noticeable blood flow to the male genital organs, and as a result, the quality of erection improves. This drug was called Viagra. The active substance of the drug is sildenafil. Currently, many drugs with this active substance have been registered. He acts only when a man experiences natural sexual arousal, and when ... Read more