Sildigra Super Power

SKU: 9106

$22.00 In Stock

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Manufacturer: DHARAM
Package: 3 STRIP X 4 PILLS


Name: SILDIGRA SUPER POWER (P-Force Power or Super Viagra)

SILDIGRA SUPER POWER (chemical composition: dapoxetine + sildenafil) – allows you to delay orgasm and ejaculation, and prolong sexual intercourse 4 times.

Dapoxetine should be taken 1-3 hours before sex. With prolonged intake of the drug (up to 24 weeks), the best indices of the duration of sexual intercourse are achieved. Dapoxetine has been clinically tested in more than 22 countries around the world, and it has been found that the drug significantly improves all the negative aspects of premature ejaculation and is remarkably tolerated in the general population. Dapoxetine is perfectly compatible with pharmaceuticals to enhance potency (such as generic Viagra, Cialis, Levitra).

Approximately 30% of the male population of the Earth premature ejaculation is a problem. This sexual disorder occurs much more often than, for example, an erection disorder, which affects about 15% of the men of the planet. This occurrence of this disorder is primarily due to a wide age range of those suffering from premature ejaculation, in contrast to erectile dysfunction, which is most common in older people.

Premature ejaculation is one of the most common forms of sexual (sexual) dysfunction, and probably happened to every man at some point in his life. In the United States, it affects 25% -40% of men.

Dapoxetine has all the possibilities to surpass the success of Viagra – its creation is so in demand. Professor of Urology in the University of Minnesota John Pryer about the drug Priligy (dapoxetine): β€œHis development will be a real revolution in pharmaceuticals for sexual intercourse, more spectacular than the creation of Viagra.”

From the pharmaceutical point of view, Priligy (Dapoxetine) belongs to a class of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Initially created to eliminate depression, Dapoxetine was subsequently recognized as a cure for the treatment of premature ejaculation due to its effectiveness and safety in the treatment of this sexual disorder. Regardless of the fact that the drug Priligy (dapoxetine) was developed as an antidepressant, there is a huge difference between them. Dapoxetine is absorbed and completely exits the body within a few hours, in contrast to anti-depressants, this process may take several days.

SILDIGRA SUPER POWER has all the benefits of generic drugs Dapoxetine and Viagra, respectively, has a dual effect and fights against both sexual disorders: erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.