How To Take Filitra 20 (Vardenafil)?

how to take filitra 20 vardenafil

Filitra 20 is the brand name of Vardenafil, a new treatment for male erectile dysfunction in the form of tablets. The action is similar to Viagra, but in many cases Filitra 20 is more effective.

How to take: one tablet 20-30 minutes before intercourse.

Vardenafil is a new generation drug intended for the treatment of erectile dysfunction of different etymology, impotence at any age. The drug is well tolerated by the body, almost without causing side effects, providing a stable natural erection.

Indications for Use Filitra 20

Filitra 20 is prescribed to men:

  • Unable to achieve and maintain a full erection for sexual intercourse
  • At sexual dysfunctions
  • Impotences

The drug is well tolerated by patients at any age. Suitable for men who suffer from various forms of diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system. Due to the active component of the drug:

  • It does not warm up the libido, does not violate the hormonal background of a person
  • Does not cause changes in the normal functioning of the nervous and vascular systems

Erection occurs only in the case of libido and active stimulation of the penis. Filitra 20 is completely safe for couples planning pregnancy. Does not affect the health of the unborn child, does not cause mutations at the gene level.

The drug is not addictive, so long-term use in the recommended dose.

Action of Vardenafil

Natural erection in men is the result of blood flow into the penis, which occurs during sexual arousal. If the patient has a violation of the vascular system in the pelvis, there is a blockage of blood flow, there is erectile dysfunction. The active component of the drug (Vardenafil) has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the penis. This mechanism helps to relax the arteries and significantly increases their capacity. The result of the drug is a healthy and stable erection for a long time. The main feature – an erection does not come uncontrollably. The maximum effect is achieved in the case of sexual arousal, with the stimulation of the penis.

The clinical effect of taking Filitra 20 is observed very quickly, even without reaching the maximum concentration in the blood. Taking the drug at a dose of 10 or 20 mg contributes to the onset of natural erection after 10-15 minutes in men with moderate or mild erectile dysfunction. 25 minutes after consumption of tablets is drastically increasing the concentration of a substance in the blood, providing a normal erection and intercourse. The effect of the drug lasts from 8 to 12 hours.

What Dosage of Filitra 20 Should I Take?

Treatment of Filitra 20 should begin with a dosage of 10 mg 25-60 minutes before the intended sexual intercourse (orally). You can take the tablets at any time: from 5 h to 20 minutes before sexual activity. Recommended frequency: 1 time per day. It is allowed to combine the drug with meals and alcohol, it does not lose its pharmacological properties.

Depending on the tolerability and effectiveness of the drug, the dosage can be increased to a maximum of 20 mg per day or reduced to 5 mg per day. Men aged 65 years and older and patients with impaired liver function are recommended to start taking Vardenafil at a dose of 5 mg. With normal tolerability – it is allowed to increase the dose to 10 mg per day.


Filitra 20 is contraindicated in women, children under the age of 16 years, people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Simultaneous therapy with nitrates and drugs that are donators of nitrogen (oxide) is unacceptable. With caution it is necessary to take the drug (preferably a doctor’s control):

  • Recovery period after stroke and heart attack
  • Severe penis deformity
  • Kidney and liver disease
  • Leukemia, myeloma, anemia (sickle cell)
  • Unstable angina
  • Tendency to bleed
  • Exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease
  • Hypotension

Possible Side Effects of Filitra 20

As practice shows, Filitra 20 rarely causes side effects that can cause serious harm to health. The possible reactions of the organism:

  • Face reddening
  • Pulling pain in the lumbar region
  • Periodic dizziness
  • Rarely nausea and disorders in the gastrointestinal tract
  • Runny nose, nasal congestion
  • State of drowsiness, rarely apathy
  • Nosebleed
  • Slight increase in blood pressure

Note that all the side effects is only the adaptation of the body to a new drug. With further use of all the symptoms weaken and are no longer observed.

Filitra 20 has passed numerous clinical tests and is recognized as an effective remedy for erectile dysfunction of different etymologies in men of any age. As a modern drug, it does not have a detrimental effect on the hormonal system of the patient and does not cause addiction.